Tuesday, November 23, 2010

aku seorang lelaki miskin lagi sombong

Sungguh hari ini angin satu badan.
Memang tak sah kalau tak ada orang cari pasal.
Ayat nak pusing - pusing.
Nak kata Keling,tapi Melayu.
Kalau ayat pusing dia tak menjejaskan tak kisah la jugak kan.
Tapi kalau dia pusing ayat dua tiga kali.
Lepas tu yang dipersalahkan adalah aku kan.
Memang aku pun panas.

Aku sombong?
Ya, aku seorang lelaki miskin lagi sombong.
"I don't forget where I come from"


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Selesai Sudah Derita siMonotonous

Dengan lafaz Alhamdulillah,selesai sudah final exam bagi semester Julai 2010 dengan berakhirnya kertas Operating System petang tadi.
Kertas subjek Business Continuity Plan kelmarin boleh tahan juga susahnya.
Tawakal sahaja.
Lihat dicermin ada sehelai dua rambut putih.
Banyak berfikir rasanya.

It's never easy and It ain't over yet

Semester kali ini banyak sangat dugaan.
Terima kasih tidak terhingga baik kawan atau lawan.
Semoga Aku berada dalam mood yang bersih pada semester akan datang.

Masa untuk siMonotonous bercuti bersama keluarga.
To all bloggers here i comeback.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monotonous Busy Week

Dua paper final sudah tumbang.
Tetapi lepas je paper Data Structured aku rasa lega sangat :D
Tiga lagi hendak mengadap.
Ade 4 hari gap sebelum paper ketiga..so aku nak rehat sekejap.
Penat weh jawab Cyber Law dengan Data Struct..:(
Tetapi lagi..hehe..Alhamdulillah dua paper ni aku jawab dengan baik.
Berkat doa emak ayah aku di Mekah..amin.

p/s: gambar xsempat nak besarkan


Saturday, November 6, 2010

suka suka

orang-orang kecewa.

suka tak bermaksud cinta,
suka tak menjamin akan bersama.

tak berdayakah kau?
aku bersedia apa sahaja.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:

Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

try it. :)



Monotonous Demam

Kenapa aku jarang menulis?
Aku betul² malas skarang ni mungkin juga sudah ketandusan subjek untuk ditulis.
Ada apa yang tak kena ke?
Tak jugak..cuma hingus baru nak kering.Final Exam nak dekat.
Ethic over friendship?
Ntah..terlalu luas untuk di tafsir & malas nak pikir.

Apa sudah jadi?Hidup?
Hidup itu penuh dengan kosakata yang tak mudah untuk di ungkap atau di fahami.

Demam Cepatla Sembuh!